Doggy Daycare

Though there are some wonderful traditional doggy daycares in Madison, we offer a high quality in-home alternative. The dogs that come for daycare enjoy both pup social time as well as individual people time in a home environment. They get to spend a lot of supervised time in our large fenced-in backyard throughout the day as well as relaxing time inside.

Home Away From Home Daycare is open Monday-Friday from 6am-6pm.

Drop off times: Monday-Friday: 6am-8:45am
Pick up times: Monday-Friday: 4pm-6pm

We have custom built gates so we can gate off every room of our home to enable to us to separate dogs as needed and at mealtimes. Waters are refreshed regularly in the house and in the backyard.

We are insured to be able to dispense medications as well.

Pet Taxi Services: T&T Pet Care Services is available to pick up and drop off your pup or pups to and from your home (within 10 miles of our home).




1 Dog: $35/day (On Demand); $30/day (At Least Once/Week); $27/day (5 Days/Week; M-F); plus sales tax.


2 Dogs: $70/day (On Demand); $57/day (At Least Once/Week); $52/day (5 Days/Week); plus sales tax.


3 Dogs: $105/day (On Demand); $84/day (At Least Once/Week); $77/day (5 Days/Week); plus sales tax.


Each additional Dog is $25/day; plus sales tax.


Pet Taxi add-on: $10 + sales tax each way within 10 minutes of West side; additional fees for beyond 10 minutes